Friday, April 27, 2012


This site is dedicated to the formation of sub-channel  communications about divisive topics.

If your friends are posting about how glad they are that something is happening, and you find it horrifying, and are in a pickle trying to figure out how to let them know there is a problem with their views,  while being a bit humble and recognizing that your views could be wrong, and don't want to cause a public stink...

Create a secret group on Facebook and call it Flammable Topics, or some other group name that is more topic specific...

And politely bring up those questions, concerns, and points  in that less-embarrassing environment.

Add people who disagree with you,     What's cool is they don't have to look at it if they don't want to,  if they want to look at it, you can have a meaningful conversation,   go off on tangents and figure out why this person believes what they do,

And you will share the merits of both your view points,  without publicly defaming eachother.